
Friday, April 27, 2012

Tonsils, iPads and Doctor Who

Two major events occurred in our family recently: my youngest had her tonsils out and we bought an iPad. One of the first things I did with the iPad was to connect it to my Netflix account so that my children could watch movies on it from time to time. A few weeks after we had the iPad, my youngest had her tonsils removed. While recovering she would spend hours watching the iPad. As she is a fairly young person I figured that she might be watching Spongebob or My Little Pony or something along those lines. I was pleasantly surprised when I discovered she was not watching any of those, she was in fact watching Doctor Who.

Doctor Who was always one of my favorites as a kid and I have fond memories of being curled up on my Dad's lap watching it together. I was thrilled that I would be able to share this with my child. Words cannot describe my wonder at being able to sit with my daughter and watch the show I had watched with my Dad all those years ago.

Now Doctor Who has become an important part of my relationship with my Daughter. We go to the Comic Book store to search for collectibles. We scour the net for previews and info on the coming season. We cried together when we learned that Amy Pond would be leaving the show this fall. We cringed in terror when the Astronaut killed the Doctor last season.

Doctor Who is a show that I would recommend to anyone anyway, but it has been made all the more special by being able to share it with my Daughter.


  1. Hey Fish, this is realwest again. Just wanted to say what a great story this is; all the more so because your youngest came through the surgeries for her tonsils in good shape.
    But I also found it quite touching that Dr.Who has provided another vehicle for you and your Daughter to bond together.
    Mazel Tov!!

  2. You waited until your 4th post to share this precious moment?

    Who should've been on first!
