
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Day One

OK so you read the little "Hello World" thing I wrote yesterday and you have come back for more? (Or you are still hopelessly looking in the wrong place for cat videos.) Well now the pressure is on, I mean I have to come up with something clever right away otherwise you are bound to go look for a more informative blog or funnier blog  or may decide to check out those cat videos yourself. The problem is not a lot has happened in the last day. I mean I could make fun of Obama eating a dog, but that has been done to death. I could talk about the Colombian Hooker Scandal, but there is no new info on that and it is pretty well covered. George Zimmerman got out of jail on bond Monday morning, but that story is not particularly funny.

Other topics that come to mind are too easy for a lengthy post:

Gas prices? Too damn high, next topic.

Unemployment? Too damn high.

Obama's approval rating? Too damn high.

I think you see where that is going. So, no topic for today. Instead I will tease you with a preview of things to come:

Mondays: Discussion of Politics and upcoming elections including the Recall in Wisconsin

Wednesdays: Fake News. Completely made up crap that I find entertaining at the time. May or may not relate to actual news stories of the day.

Fridays: Popular Culture, discussion of books, movies, TV or theater that I happened to enjoy recently. May or may not be interesting to readers.

Breaking News with commentary as it warrants.

So that is the plan. I hope you return often and bring some friends. However, if this sort of thing does not appeal to you well then here are some kittens.


  1. Good morning Fish! This is realwest again! I look forward to reading your blog, especially on Wednesdays and Fridays. I do think that this blog has a bright future and you need not link to a "kittens" link to...........................say, didja know that the Kittens link has had over 15 MILLION Views?!! Wow, they sure are cute!
    Uh, where was I again? Oh yeah, if you blog the way you post on Correspondence Committee, I expect your blog to be SO entertaining!
    Are you gonna respond to any comments made out here or just let them stand for all time without comment?

  2. A drive-by just to say good luck, Fish, from jamgarr!

  3. Worst. Cat. Video. Post. EVER.

    Other than that, sounds great!
