When I was young, a typical summer involved me leaving the house sometime after breakfast and returning in time for supper. My bike and I traveled all parts of my little hometown. I visited parks, played ball with friends, caught crawdads in the crick, and generally played. I would come home filthy, happy and exhausted.
These days most parents (myself included) no longer feel comfortable little the younguns wander the town. Too many predators around for our liking. So, how do we get the kids to have fun, and get out of the house and still be safe? Technology.
The most obvious example is the common cell phone. A simple cell phone can provide more peace of mind to a parent that I thought was possible. Since we got a cell phone for our (then) 11 year old, we have felt very comfortable letting her walk around downtown, ride her bike wherever she wants and do all number of things that previously we were not comfortable with. The ability to contact your child instantly wherever they are cannot be over-rated.
If a cell phone does not give the confidence you need to send your young one out into the world try a wrist gps unit. This is the ultimate advance for the concerned parent. The watch lets you log onto a website and see in real time exactly where your child is. If the watch is removed (which like a convicts gps ankle bracelet cannot be done accidental) it will send a text message to you, police and anyone else you designate. Pretty cool.
Of course the absolute best way to keep your kids safe is education. Remind them not to talk to strangers, get to know the neighbors, tell them to stay away from the "bad parts" of town. Education and awareness will do more to keep them safe than all the technology in the world.
So enjoy your summer. Let the kids run a bit, and maybe even join them from time to time. You both will like more than you can imagine.
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