Fast and Furious: Federal Authorities announced the first arrests and indictments in the death of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. A 1 million Dollar reward has been offered for the arrest of the fugitives. Since that time the offices have been deluged with requests for the reward money from people claiming to know where Eric Holder is located. Unfortunately he remains at large and the reward is unpaid.
Economy: Businesses added just 80,000 jobs last month and unemployment remained at 8.2%. President Obama stated: "Do you have any idea how much work goes into making the numbers look ONLY this bad? Seriously, if you guys knew the truth I would have to leave the country in the middle of the night." GOP Candidate responded: "I still can't believe I am not ahead in the polls"
Politics: Democrats continue to demand Mitt Romney release more documents about his past. Among there demands: Tax returns for every person Romney has ever talked to, his Kindergarten through grad School transcripts, His 8th grade art projects, and all of his pets vaccination records. When asked if Obama would be releasing the same info the Campaign responded: "No of course not, The President wrote 2 books that are loosely based on facts, What more could you need?"
Supreme Court: The Obama Campaign released Chief Justice Roberts' family safe and unharmed following his deciding vote in the Obamacare decision. The justice was very happy to see them.
Campaign Finance: New calls for finance reform have arisen as the Obama campaign has released that people are giving more money to the GOP than to his campaign. "I should be able to spend more money than my opponents. That is the only fair way."
Sports: The National League won the All-Star game 8-0, No one cared.
This is FNN
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