
Monday, April 8, 2013

On Moving, Starting a new job and relaunching a blog

I'm back! after a long break that had me focused on things in the meat world rather than the cyber I am back.

It has been a hectic few months. The last time I wrote I was extolling the virtues of Christmas in WI. Since then much has changed in my life.

First, we found the house we had been looking for for the last three years. A much smaller ranch style house has replaced the too large and drafty Victorian mini-mansion we used to call home. Most families would not speak kindly of going from 3200 square feet down to 1700, but it has brought my family closer together than I had ever dreamt possible and the happiness levels are through the roof.

Second, I have completed my job search and accepted a position with the Federal Government. Training and orientation are this week so i hope to keep you all as informed about my progress as I am able.

Lastly, I have decided to come back to blogging. Many family and friends have expressed sadness that i had stopped as they were using the blog as a way to make certain i was still alive. Other readers have contacted me stating that they actually enjoyed reading the blog and missed it. (This surprised me). So I am back.  Look for fake news on Wednesday as usual.

Thank you to everyone who sent kind thoughts and prayers during my employment struggles of the last few months. your support has meant more than you can ever know. I will do what I can to repay you by making this blog the best i possibly can.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Fish! So good to hear your happy news of a job and a better new home!
    But I am very glad that you have, once again, started blogging!
    Congratulations on all the good news!

    Oh, yes, this is realwest, commenting anonymously again due to both Google and Word Press inability to reset my password (which, I admit I have forgotten) because someone else with my Nom du Blog is a "member".
