
Thursday, November 22, 2012

On Being Thankful in trying times

Every life has its ups and downs. Good days and bad. Days when we feel more thankful than others. I must admit that this particular Thanksgiving I woke up feeling much more "woe is me" than thankful for what I have.

I started thinking about the election which did not go the way I wanted, then about my own employment situation and then spiraled down from there. I was feeling pretty bleak. So I decided to talk to one of the wisest people I know, my nine year old daughter. She had been watching the Macy's Parade and apparently they had been talking about what they were thankful for. She looked up at me and said "Daddy, I am thankful for you."

That is when it hit me. I truly am the luckiest man alive. I have a wonderful family that loves and supports me. I live in the greatest nation on Earth. I have friends from all over who read this blog and offer support. All in all I have a lot to be thankful for.

It is easy to look at that glass as half empty, but when you think about how much is still in that glass, your whole outlook will change. So in spite of everything I AM thankful today. I wish each and every one of you a fantastic day and the chance to embrace the wonders in your own lives, even if you have to look a bit to find them.

I feel as though I could go on about this for some time, but instead I think I will watch the parade with my kids. Give your loved ones an extra little hug for me today and enjoy each and every blessing the day gives you to the fullest.

From my family to yours:


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