So the big news of the day is the fact the unemployment rate dropped below 8 percent for the first time since Obama took office. So hallelujah and praise Obama, right? Romney should just call it a day and allow the re election of Obama by acclamation. In the mean time I will give up writing about anything other than my children's school activities.
Or maybe not.
Maybe we should look at this report and the timing of it a little more closely.
According to the report:
1) 114,000 new jobs were created in September by companies.
2) 840,000 people suddenly decided to open businesses in their homes in September.
3) The unemployment rate is now 7.8 percent (3 tenths of a percent less than August)
So wow. That is amazing. Nearly a million people are suddenly self employed in the month before the election. The department of Labor reached this conclusion by asking 60,000 people if they had a job. (Any red flags waving in front of anyone else yet?)
What could have happened in September to make so many people decide that right then was the moment to open a home based business? Why did all of them wait to do this until September 2012 to follow their dream, stop looking for a job and open a business? Maybe there terror attacks on the 9/11 anniversary inspired them to do it. Maybe the looming tax increases that will kick in on Jan 1 inspired them to take a financial risk right now. Maybe the uncertainty of the election outcome told them "don't wait do it now" Maybe.
Or maybe not.
George Orwell said "whoever controls the past controls the future, whoever controls the present controls the past". The Obama administration certainly controls the present. The Unemployment rate is about what happened in the past, and he would like to be President in the future.
If you believe this new Unemployment rate, ask yourself: why are they using a new method 30 days before the election to determine the rate? How is it even possible to reach a number of 840,000 NEWLY self employed by surveying only 60,000 households? Does it even make sense that for every person that was hired by a company of any size 8 people started a company in their basement?
Obama has spent the last 3 days talking about Romney's supposed lies during the debate. Isn't it time the rest of us started talking about Obama's lies over the last 4 years?
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