Our fragile democracy is in even worse shape than I had previously feared.
Last evening in a stunning interview Secretary of State Hillary Clinton claimed full responsibility for the terrorist attack on September 11,2012. "The Buck stops with me" she said.
Think about that for a moment.
The unelected political appointee Hillary Clinton announced that it was her responsibility to protect the embassies and that the President and Vice President had no knowledge of or input into the situation. This is stunning as it can only mean one of 2 things:
1) President Obama has so abdicated his duties that his underlings no longer even bother trying to get him to be involved. It is the chief duty of the President to safeguard the lives of American citizens and defend this Nation and her assets. An Ambassador is the direct representative of this Nation and a personal envoy of the President himself. The Consulates are sovereign US soil. This attack should be considered virtually no different than burning the White House and killing the President. Yet Obama is so far removed from the situation as to not even care that it was terrorism and not just a "demonstration that got out of hand" His failure to attend his daily briefings certainly makes this version, the version Hillary Clinton WANTS us to believe; possible.
Yes, by claiming the the buck stops with her and not the President, Hillary is suggesting everything I wrote above. She wants us to think the President is either incapable or unwilling to do his job. So that is option 1 the elected leader of the Nation is powerless and incompetent.
2) In an effort to protect the cover up Hillary Clinton is taking the blame for Obama. This is nearly as troubling as the first option. This implies that while Obama is capable of doing his job he made a mistake of some sort. Mistakes happen and most rational people admit the mistake and then correct it. However, that is not what the President has chosen to do. He has chosen to put the election ahead of the safety of this Nation. By having Hillary Clinton take the blame, he is buying himself time. Enough time he hopes that the election can be held before the full truth is known.
For a President to put himself above the office is the worst possible situation. The last time a man put himself ahead of the office he went down in history not for opening trade to China, but for leaving office in shame.
So which President do YOU want? The incompetent fool that is too busy playing golf and raising funds to be bothered with his job? Or The campaigner that is so bent on retaining the office that he he will do, say or imply anything in order to keep his job?
Are unknown forces running the government instead of the President or is the President so consumed with retaining power that nothing else matters?
Whichever option is true, neither is fit to lead the United States. this Nation of the People By the People and For the People deserves better. You deserve better. Your children deserve better. WE ALL deserve better.
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