
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

News recently faked

The Obama campaign: Attacked Mitt Romney for comments regrading the number of people paying income tax, China and the Israel-Palestinian conflict. "That Governor Romney would state before a crowd of donors and accurately state the nature of problems facing this nation and discuss practical solutions is unconscionable! The notion of a politician telling the truth is completely unheard of in this day and age and Romney should be ashamed of himself!" When asked for comment Governor Romney simply shook his head and sighed.

NBC Released the first new show of the fall season this week. Revolution is the networks attempt to break into the "Hunger Games" fan base by creating a show entirely based on a 17 year old girl wearing a leather jacket and carrying a bow. Critics argue that perhaps a plot of some sort should have been included but NBC insists the girl, jacket, bow combination will win viewers.

White House Spokesman Jay Carney: Was disappointed this week to discover that he does not in fact have Jedi mind control powers. During the weekly briefing he waved his hand in front of the reporters and repeated : "There were no terrorist attacks in Libya  last week, It was a riot about a movie" Despite numerous attempts only a handful of reporters repeated the message. When asked for comment Carney replied: "Hey I am new at this Jedi stuff, I am surprised that it worked on as many as it did. My Master Darth Barack is much better at this than I am and usually gets the whole room to believe whatever he says. It is truly awe inspiring, the bigger the lie he tells the more they believe it, someday I hope to be as powerful as him"

Mitt Romney: Fired back at the Obama Campaign today by releasing a 1998 video of the President claiming to want to trick people into redistributing the nation's wealth. Obama responded : " Duh! that is my whole campaign platform, rob from the rich, give to the poor and keep 75% off the top for myself and my lackeys. It is a strong platform and I think the people of America are just gullible enough to buy it again."

Egypt has called for the arrest of everyone that was involved in the film "Innocence of Muslims" and all 7 people who have seen it. In addition, they would like all Christians, Jews, and Atheists to commit ritual suicide in shame of the film and have the entire United States Government turned over to 3 Clerics from Deerborn MI.

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