
Monday, September 10, 2012

On Chicago Teachers and Scott Walker

Having waded through the insanity that has been Wisconsin over the last year (recalls, rallies, teacher's Sick Outs, Adults shouting down a 12 year old girl) I was disheartened to wake up this morning to the news that Chicago Teachers are striking.

Why are they striking? Apparently they are unhappy with a 16% pay raise and 7 hour work days. Not to mention a work year of only 180 days. But lets put all that aside. Chicago has a far left leadership in Rahm Emmanuel and a far left teacher's union. At the end of the day this strike is over the fact that the mayor was forced to say 'no' to a small portion of the teacher's demands, namely a 30% pay raise.

So that brings us to Scott Walker and the genius of Act 10 (A.K.A. "The Budget Repair Bill" and "the Scott Walker hates teachers and nurses bill") Because of Act 10 Wisconsin school children will never again be held hostage to a union making unreasonable and unrealistic demands during budget troubles. What is happening in Chicago is proof positive that Walker got it right.

A part of me should be happy about the Chicago mess. As so many of the players are directly related to the Obama White House any turmoil simply reflects badly on him. But the truth is I am a parent first and foremost. The thought of thousands of children being used are barter chips in a high stakes game of "gimme gimme gimme!!!" it makes me sick.

For those of you who are not teachers, just imagine for a moment how your boss would react to a demand that 16% pay raise, 7 hour work day and 180 work days a year is not good enough. If your boss is anything like mine, the door would be waiting. In my less than humble opinion that is exactly what should be waiting for these striking teachers.

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