
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

News Fairly Unbalanced

Olympic Coverage: In a bold break from tradition CNN has decided to alert those who follow their breaking news feed of any significant medal wins or upsets in the Olympic without warning of spoilers. Thus eliminating that horrible suspense that viewers of sport suffer through while waiting to see the outcome. By knowing who will win before the event is aired in the US, viewers can now focus on the crowd, the broadcasters and all the important things in an event that are often overshadowed by the athletes.

Fashion: The Fashion world had its eyes glued to the 2 women who want to be The First Lady of the US in 2013, and they were not disappointed. Ann Romney was seen wearing an obscenely expensive 990.00 silk shirt, while Michelle Obama was seen looking royal in her reasonably priced 6800.00 jacket. Critics roundly scolded Mrs. Romney for being out of touch with such an expensive choice in shirts. Michelle Obama took a few moments between a Lobster Dinner in Maine and coffee in Maui to say "The Romney's are just out of touch they don't understand the plight of regular folks."

Politics: Still on the defensive regarding remarks he made about private enterprise not doing anything on its own, President Obama restated his claim that only massive government projects could create the Internet. Meanwhile the London Olympic Opening Ceremony featured the man who invented the World Wide Web, the usable backbone of the Internet. He reported launched a new website WWWkissmyassbarack.fu

Mitt Romney Drew fire this week by accurately stating what every newspaper and TV station in the world had been reporting for months. The London Olympics did not seem as prepared as they should be. After denouncing his remarks the people of London rallied to hold a Games filled with empty seat, complaints of price fixing and security breaches between Guards and Soldiers. When asked for comment Romney simply said "Oh, my bad. You guys TOTALLY have this sucker locked down tight! Great job. How quickly can I get to the airport from here?"

Chicago Values were on display this week when a flash mob stole 3000.00 worth of jeans from a high end store. Rahm Emanuel stated "I am just thankful that we have this example of what Chicago stands for, and not those bible thumping Chicken sammich makers. These are Chicago Values!"

Editor's Note: Sorry about the short post this week. I am having a wisdom tooth out later today and am not looking forward to it. So the funny is harder to come by. Anyone wishing to cheer me up can do so by clicking on an ad. That always makes me feel better.

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