
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Fake News: Now 85% as reliable as MSNBC

Health Care: This week the Supreme Court struck down upheld issued a split verdict delayed action on the Health Care reform ruling until Thursday. Women and Children Hardest hit.

Gambling: A group of bookies announced on Tuesday the creation of new way to bet on College Football starting in 2014. Odds makers predict a huge boost in receipts and openings for people with "collection" experience.

Immigration: In order to combat the possible racism and profiling that may occur in the wake of the Supreme Court ruling upholding the Arizona law SB1070; which gives police the right to check the immigration status of people detained for any other crime, The Justice Department has set up a hotline for reports of abuse. FNN has obtained the first example of a whistle blower email sent to this hotline:

From: Phoenix City Jail
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2012 1:43 AM
To: Holder, Eric
Subject: RACISM!

Senior Holder,

Last night my hombres and me were walking throuhg the Arizona desert when suddenly for no reason at all we was surrounded by cops. They were all carring rifles and pointed them at us. They yelled for us to get down. Now Carlos he don't speak american so he did what comes natural and fired off several rounds at the Helicopter over head. (Thank you for the AKs by the way, they's some high quality firepower) Anyway, after that misteak them cops got mad and shot Carlos right in the leg! The cops arrested us, took our packs filled with "humanitarian relief Pharmaceuticals" (am that spelled right? I copied it from the DOJ website) and demanded to see our papers. We tried to explain that we had each left our papers in our other pants and that those pants happen to be in Columbia, but they would not listen. Can you Help?

Jaun "el raton" Garcia

From: Holder, Eric
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2012 1:44 AM
To: Garcia, Juan
Subject: re: RACISM!

Dear mr. Raton,

I am shocked to hear the details of your case. This is precisely what we were afraid of. You and your friends have every right to carry large packs of unregistered pharmaceuticals through the desert in the middle of the night without fear of being harassed. I will arrange for your immediate release and transport to Washington DC in order to testify before Congress. (Well a non-binding Democrat Press Conference in a Congressional Chamber) Your tragedy has moved me. I am sorry to learn that Carlos' leg wound has spread into 3 lethal shots to the back of his head. Be comforted to know that his passing will help end this horrible law.

Your Friend,

Eric Holder

(This is an FNN exclusive, and portions of the emails may have been edited, redacted or fabricated)

Weight Loss: The Government Announced a new plan recently to help people loss weight and look better.

This is FNN

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