
Friday, June 8, 2012

Wisconsin Wisdom

Today's post is going to look at the events in Wisconsin and the lessons learned.

For the last 16 months anywhere I went in this great state signs regarding the recall could be found. My 9 year old daughter would often chant "Recall Walker" as we drove along and passed a sign. (I never did get her to tell me where she had heard that first) It seemed as though the recall was a sure thing. I was in a pretty dark funk. The signs I saw supporting Walker usually looked like this:

So I was convinced I was in the minority. Thinking for certain that I would wake up on Wednesday and a new Governor would be sworn in. What I did not consider was that the Walker supporters were too busy working and going about there lives to chant and hold rallies. The Walker supporters held just one rally, it was Tuesday at the voting booth and 1.2 million people showed up.

So what are the lessons? First, no cause is ever hopeless. No matter how strong the other side seems, the cause is only lost when you quit. So even if everywhere you go you see signs that your side is losing, do not give up. We prevailed in Wisconsin despite ex-presidents, celebrities, and professional activists flocking to the state in support of the Recall. Conventional wisdom told us it would be a close race, a hard race, a race we would likely lose. Conventional Wisdom was wrong. Wisconsin Wisdom tells us that if you are doing a good job and keeping your promises, you will be supported. Wisconsin Wisdom is that we will not be told what to do by a bunch of people who are fighting over how much of our tax money they should each get.

The Second Lesson from Wisconsin that the desire for "Hope and Change" that was in the air in 2008 is still there. Except people want REAL change. They want someone to actually try something new. Something bold. Something that helps everyone not just the select few that donated to the cause. So to all those running for office, I challenge you: be bold, be brave, be bigger than life. Now is the time for those great ideas. Now is the moment that America will rally around you. Do not say what the other guy is doing wrong, tell us what you will do right. The voters of the Nation are holding the Brass Ring out, just waiting for someone to have the guts to grab it.

That is Wisconsin Wisdom.

1 comment:

  1. You were wrong about the riots too!
    Very inspirational post Fish, very nice. We all know the DeMSM is in the tank for O so when we keep hearing how close of a race it's going to be we can pretty much know the opposite is more likely.

